DCAD@20 Art Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 133 - 144 of 169 in total

"Tarot Card III" by Alexi Natchev

Alexi Natchev

"The Village" (from The Elijah D...

Alexi Natchev

"The Feast" ( from The Elijah Do...

Alexi Natchev

"My Body For You - 3" by Kelicia...

Kelicia Pitts

"Travis and Jackson, Richmond, V...

Ann-Marie Van Tassell

"American Girl, Bristol, TN, 201...

Ann-Marie Van Tassell

"Mary, Daytona, FL 2015" by Ann-...

Ann-Marie Van Tassell

"Untitled" by Larry Donahue

Larry Donahue

"Currier Side" by Lynn Pauley

Lynn Pauley

"Yellow Ochre House" by Lynn Pauley

Lynn Pauley

"Red Side Porch" by Lynn Pauley

Lynn Pauley

"Dangerous Power" by Kelicia Pitts

Kelicia Pitts