DCAD@20 Art Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 1 - 12 of 60 in total

"Untitled" by Tim Furey

Tim Furey

"Leopold II of Belgium, (Currenc...

Corey Heffernan

"PSYCHOTRONICS I, Optical Art Po...

Corey Heffernan


Corey Heffernan

"Route 13, Delaware" by AJ Adriance

AJ Adriance

"Waverly St. Philadelphia" by Is...

Isobel Maddock

"Maryland in a Crab" by Jamie De...

Jamie Deaver

"Flatwoods Monster" by Chris Ayer

Chris Ayer

"Mothman" by Chris Ayer

Chris Ayer

"Le Migre Lets Run" by Charles S...

Charles Schultz

"Queen Butterfly" by Charles Dom...

Charles Domurad

"Dahlia" by Charles Domurad

Charles Domurad