DCAD@20 Art Auction Catalog

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Displaying all 12 items

"The Tin Man" by John Eason

John Eason

"Bread Rock" by Faith Moore

Faith Moore

"Fame" by Tatiana Quinones

Tatiana Quinones

"Redrock Vase" by Indiana Johnson

Indiana Johnson

"Pin-board Man" by Indiana Johnson

Indiana Johnson

"Prismatic Soul" by Indiana Johnson

Indiana Johnson

"Wildflower Fields" by Indiana J...

Indiana Johnson

"Student Study 1" by Alyssa Will...

Alyssa Williams

"Medieval Painting" by Holly Dec...

Holly Dechant

"Wooden Scultpure" by Persis Joh...

Persis Johnson

"Coffee, Bacon, Pancake with Ras...

Persis Johnson

"The Present Moment" by DCAD stu...

Delaware College of Art and Design