DCAD@20 Art Auction Catalog

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Displaying all 12 items

"The Tin Man" by John Eason

#108 Donated by: John Eason
Value: $100
Bidding Closed - Unsold

"Bread Rock" by Faith Moore

#110 Donated by: Faith Moore
Value: $100
Bidding Closed - Unsold

"Fame" by Tatiana Quinones

#113 Donated by: Tatiana Quinones
Value: $100
Bidding Closed - Unsold

"Redrock Vase" by Indiana Johnson

#121 Donated by: Indiana Johnson
Value: $100
Bidding Closed - Unsold

"Pin-board Man" by Indiana Johnson

#122 Donated by: Indiana Johnson
Value: $100
Bidding Closed - Unsold

"Prismatic Soul" by Indiana Johnson

#123 Donated by: Indiana Johnson
Value: $100
Bidding Closed - Unsold

"Wildflower Fields" by Indiana J...

#124 Donated by: Indiana Johnson
Value: $100
Item Awarded

"Student Study 1" by Alyssa Will...

#125 Donated by: Alyssa Williams
Value: $100
Bidding Closed - Unsold

"Medieval Painting" by Holly Dec...

#140 Donated by: Holly Dechant
Value: $100
Bidding Closed - Unsold

"Wooden Scultpure" by Persis Joh...

#143 Donated by: Persis Johnson
Value: $100
Bidding Closed - Unsold

"Coffee, Bacon, Pancake with Ras...

#144 Donated by: Persis Johnson
Value: $100
Item Awarded

"The Present Moment" by DCAD stu...

#202 Donated by: Delaware College of Art and Design
Value: $20
Item Awarded